Church of the Commandments |
The future Church of the Commandments in Clinton Township, Michigan. |
I came across this little story that I would like to share with you today.
One afternoon a shopper at the local mall felt the need for a coffee break. She bought herself a little bag of cookies and put them in her shopping bag. She then got in line for coffee, found a place to sit at one of the crowded tables, and then taking the lid off her coffee and taking out a magazine she began to sip her coffee and read. Across the table from her a man sat reading a newspaper.
After a minute or two she reached out and took a cookie. As she did, the man seated across the table reached out and took one too. This put her off, but she did not say anything.
A few moments later she took another cookie. Once again the man did so too. Now she was getting a bit upset, but still she did not say anything.
After having a couple of sips of coffee she once again took another cookie. So did the man. She was really upset by this - especially since now only one cookie was left. Apparently the man also realized that only one cookie was left. Before she could say anything he took it, broke it in half, offered half to her, and proceeded to eat the other half himself. Then he smiled at her and, putting the paper under his arm, rose and walked off.
Was she steamed. Her coffee break ruined, already thinking ahead of how she would tell this offense to her family, she folded her magazine, opened her shopping bag, and there discovered her own unopened bag of cookies.
I like that story - it makes me think about how well the Father treats me even when I am not treating him well or thinking all that kindly about him. It also makes me think about how, sometimes, I do not really appreciate what I have or act like I know where it has come from. It serves as a kind of reminder of what the Father has given me.
Rev. John |
Phone: 586-322-9883 Fax: 586-790-5461 E-mail: |
Living Life By Living the Laws of the Father |
Rev. John, our founder and pastor, was called to spread the Father’s plan for life in the Ten Commandments as an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. |
To Contact Us: Church of the Commandments |
Moses presents God’s Laws … the Ten Commandments … to the Hebrew people. |
Call Rev. John on the ‘Faith & Sharing Line’ at (586) 322-9883 Or email me at:
I am available to assist you with a friendly, guiding ear. |
As an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church, Rev. John is available to assist you with Weddings, Funerals, Affirmation of Love or Commitment Ceremonies or Memorial Services. I’m here to help.
For information, please contact Rev. John personally at:
(586) 322-9883
or email him at:
To All Who Were Married By Rev. John in 2020! |